Biba Pedron
Business & Mindset Coach

Coaching Excellence 

"Biba Pedron coaching excellence"

About Biba

Biba Pedron was born and raised in Normandie, France and got her Law Degree in Paris. She served as a sales and marketing manager at a number of companies for over 15 years and quickly established herself as a subject matter expert. As a successful entrepreneur, Biba started a Telemarketing Company to continue with a Coaching Marketing Company.
Biba is an international speaker who authored multiple bestsellers and her latest one called ‘M.D.R. The Winning Formula For a Successful Life.’  Biba Pedron received many accolades namely, Excellence in Business Coaching by ‘Top Female Executives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs’, Entrepreneur of the Year by ‘The International Society of Leaders’ and featured in Forbes Magazine France as a ‘Women of Influence.’
Working with thousands of women small business owners and entrepreneurs, she realized that people needed to connect the dots of marketing, social media, branding, and mindset to grow their business much faster, so she started helping them with effective marketing strategies, to get to the next level. Biba served women entrepreneurs to grow their business,

Biba Pedron now travels the world to live and virtual events, helping women entrepreneurs personally and professionally giving them her step-by-step Formula: Strategy – Visibility – Impact to double or triple and even 10X their revenues in 90 days.

In a nutshell, Biba Pedron Delivers!

Connect with Biba


Over the past 15 years she not only taught banding and marketing strategies to her clients, she also connected thousands of entrepreneurs to build international partnerships.

Biba Pedron has received the Golden Mouse Award in 2014 to be part of the 14 most active women entrepreneurs in South Florida. She has been honored by Top Female Executives, Professionals & Entrepreneurs and Recognized for Excellence in Business Coaching. And named “Outstanding Entrepreneurs of the year” by The International Society of Business Leaders in 2016. And feature in Forbes France in the special edition “Femmes d’Influence”, in 2019

Biba is the author of “Start Your Dream Business Today”, “Power of Networking Secrets”, “15 Ways to Instantly Skyrocket Your Networking Results”, iin English and Sauter le Pas” in French, all #1bestsellers on Amazon. She is also the co-author of « Tu Te Lèves et Tu Décides de Booster Ta Performance Commerciale » & “M.D.R La Formule Gagnante Pour Réussir Sa vie” in France and “Global Women in Business” in Australia.