About Candace
Corporate America Side–Hustler, turned full–time entrepreneur, Candace Junée, is a faith–basedserial entrepreneur, Digital Marketing Maven,Social Influencer, and International speaker. Herexpertise is in helping women turntheir ideas into multiple streams of income and consistentlyattract their dream clients. Her expertise is in helping women build 6–Figure businesses bymastering their marketing and making $10K+ months.
She’s the founder of Epic Fab Girl, abrand for Christian women entrepreneurs that helps them build profitable brands and growtheir faith. Epic Fab Girl’s initiatives include their Go–Getter Membership, Go–GetterConference, the Go–Getter Confidential virtual summit, and the Go–Getter Podcast.
Candacewalked away from her corporate job in Digital Marketing Technology at Accenture to pursueher entrepreneurial dreams in 2017. Since leaving, she began hosting and speaking at eventsacross the globe aimed at helping students and professionals discover their purpose and buildsuccessful brands.