Mary Agnes Antonopoulos
 Digital Strategist



About Mary Agnes

Mary Agnes Antonopoulos is a dynamic, beautiful freelance writer and funnel designer. She is a Ghostwriter, Speaker, Social Media Strategist, Copywriter, Youtube Coach, Social Marketing Expert, Social Branding Expert and Trainer.

Mary Agnes has designed and implemented over 3,000 social media ad campaigns and product launches for wonderful colleagues and clients, like New York Times best-selling authors Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Christine Comaford, JJ Virgin, and Jordan Belfort (The Wolf of Wall Street) as well as a LONG list of leaders in functional medicine. Her #1 passion is teaching SIMPLE strategies so anyone can increase their impact and audience within weeks.

Connect with Mary Agnes


Who Does She Work With?

CLIENT LIST: Dr. Tom O’Bryan (The Autoimmune Fix and You Can Fix Your Brain), Dr. William Davis (NY Times best selling Author of Wheat Belly), Jordan Belfort (The Wolf of Wall Street), Donna Gates (Founder of Body Ecology), Alan Christianson (The Adrenal Reset Diet), Client List: Dr. Mark Hyman (Copywriter for Broken Brain), Dr. Izabella Wentz (#1 NY Times best selling Author), JJ Virgin (4x NY Times best selling Author), Dr. Partha Nandi (Ask Dr. Nandi), Dr. Ben Lynch (WSJ best selling Author of Dirty Genes), Ann Louise Gittleman (4x NY Times best selling author), Christine Comaford (Rules for Renegades), Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Dr. Christine Schaffner (Sophia Health Institute with Dr. Klinghardt), James Maskell (Evolution of Medicine) … too many to list!