Penney eCommerce, Inc.
eCommerce Excellence

"Shelley Penney"

About Shelley

I’m a shape-shifter.

I don’t know what I want in life. I don’t set goals or plan 20 years ahead, and I definitely have no idea what work I will be doing 10 years from now!

If that sounds contrary to every motivational success speaker that you’ve ever heard , that’s because it is! I’m not going to lie… a “big picture” goal is like an albatross around my neck.

Instead, once I commit to a path, I focus on learning my subject, and taking massive action daily.

I do what I want to do. Something that kindles a fire in my belly, that I can fan into a roaring fire! I may take a while to decide, but once I commit, I’m in with both feet and a single-minded focus.

Here’s a fun example- My husband and I were walking on a beach in Florida after a storm, when I came across a treasure trove of beautiful shells. After admiring them for a while, I had a thought… “I could make jewelry with these.” That was in March, and by June that same year I was selling handmade jewelry at markets, and a local store was featuring, and selling, my work.

You might think, “Wow… only 3 months!” But in those 3 months I lived, ate, slept and breathed jewelry making. I poured over books, I watched video tutorials, I joined groups with other makers, and most importantly… I started MAKING. Immediately, whole-heartedly I made some of the ugliest jewelry known to man. And I learned quickly what I liked, and what I didn’t like, and I got better. It didn’t take weeks to get better… it took hours.
Now my jewelry creations are featured in 4 stores locally, I sell from my home, my Facebook page, and Jesse James Beads (a big bead seller/manufacturer in USA) has asked me to be a brand and Design Ambassador and influencer for them. It’s been only 3 years since that beach stroll.

That’s how I roll in all my ventures.

I have one overarching principle that guides my life… Always Be Learning.

Currently Penney eCommerce Inc is an umbrella company that branches out to Digital Media Sales- we create digital media and assets for video creators. This is a B2B venture that allows any company to use our templates, add in our static or animated graphics and have a sales or promo video in under a day and for a tiny fraction of what it would cost to outsource. Penney ecommerce also works in the Affiliate Marketing space. We sell our digital assets through an affiliate network, and we also act as an affiliate selling congruent products to our lists of customers. Finally, Penney eCommerce has a true eCommerce arm which is currently being set up. We are taking some of our digital assets and converting them to an online store model, to allow us to reach new markets.

Connect with Shelley